Monday, 18 April 2016

1. 1979 - Greyhawk (D&D) - Andre Norton - Quag Keep (Greyhawk #1)

Here we have the first ever RPG tie-in novel, as would be natural it's a tie-in to the first and most popular of all pen and paper RPGs, Dungeons and Dragons. In fact it's set in Greyhawk, the universe of the first edition of D&D and predates oficial novels by about 6 years (Dragonlance novels will come along in 1985).

This is a weird beast. It's kind of a dreamlike exploration of the feeling of playing RPGs, there's people playing in a room and suddenly incarnating their characters in the game world, they have kind of split personalities where they don't quite know if they are the characters or the players, the characters have bracelets with dice in them which spin whenever an event happens, these are cursed and they go on a quest to solve the mystery... well, some kind of quest, the evil they are fighting is very ill defined, it's just "chaos" and an illusionist and so forth. In fact all the characters are very 2 dimensional, but this might be on purpose in order to reflect the gameplay.

An interesting experiment but not a very entertaining one at the end of the day. 

TL;DR: 5/10 Historically important and interesting, but kind of boring.


So... here's a project, what about I get a number of shared gaming universe's fiction, like that of D&D, Shadowrun, World of Darkness, Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40k, Pathfinder etc. and go and read them all and review them year by year from the very first one in 1979 onwards.

Seems crazy and it probably is and I am most likely never to finish this. The plan consists on getting popular RPG based fiction from a variety of genres and review it. So we'll have loads of different genres like High Fantasy (Warhammer Fantasy, Pathfinder, Dragonlance, Greyhawk and Forgotten Realms from D&D), Horror (World of Darkness and Ravenloft), Science Fiction (Warhammer 40k) and even weird fantasy cyberpunk stuff (Shadowrun). So let's start in 1978 with the very first D&D tie-in novel ever! See you soon.