Reading fiction from some of the most popular RPG universes (D&D, World of Darkness, Shadowrun, Pathfinder, Warhammer [Fantasy and 40k] etc.) in chronological order of publication, from 1979 onward! (It will take a while).
Saturday, 15 July 2017
13. 1987 (Aug). - Dragonlance (D&D) - Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman (Eds.) - Kender, Gully Dwarves, and Gnomes (Dragonlance #8)
Series: Dragonlance Tales Volume 2
Another volume in the Dragonlance Tales series, much like the previous one, The Magic of Krynn, this is a collection of short stories with a pretty long one in the middle. They are by a variety of writers some better known than others, and some better writers than others. The timeline is also varied but it focuses on the main characters of the previous series.
The longest tale is by the editors and writers of the Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends, and it is the most substantial of the pieces not only in page-length but as a story. This has a lot to do with the format, seeing as the story is some three times the size of the others in the volume. The cool thing about this book is that it has a great variety of tales, from a Gnomish treatise on poetry to a tale seen from the point of view of an enchanted dagger. We get to know a bit more about the sons of Caramon who were introduced in the previous volume so there is some forward movement in terms of the Dragonlance timeline, which is cool.
The downside of this volume, much as in most anthologies, is the fact that the writing is uneven, some tales are great, some not so great. Fortunately no real stinkers here, so it's a fun volume to dip into.
TL;DR: 6/10 As in the previous in the series it's a fun read.
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