Wednesday, 3 August 2016

7. 1986 (Feb.) - Greyhawk (D&D) - Gary Gygax - Artifact of Evil (Greyhawk #3)

Series: Gord, the Rogue #2

The second volume of Gord, the Rogue is a considerable improvement over the first one, it is also the last volume published officially by TSR, before Gary Gygax leaves the company. When he does he will take Gord with him, but this doesn't mean we won't have more stories, seeing as Gygax will keep writing them independently.I will be covering these as they come along. 

As I was saying, this is a substantial improvement over the previous installment, the story feels more focused and purposeful, there are more good characters, I particularly liked the Catlord and his world, and Gord develops in interesting ways with his new powerful ring. This ring allows Gord to transform into cats, from house-cats to panthers and it adds quite a lot to the story and the possibilities. The enemy is also better defined here as Iuz and his henchmen. However, it's not in this volume that we get any kind of diversity of characters. Despite having a lady in revealing clothes on the cover (Deidre, I think), she has a tiny part to play, nor are there any people of color in the book, at least not that I noticed and not with prominent roles. Unless you consider goblins, gnolls, elves and orcs to be PoC, which I don't.

This series is nowhere as compelling as the Dragonlance books have been, at least not yet, but this is a substantial improvement on the previous installments, and as such I want to see where this is going, even if Greyhawk stories will no longer be based on Gord. However a cool thing here is that you get to meet people that I only knew by name such as Melf (of Acid Arrow fame) or Mordenkainen (of Sword fame, among others). I have actually never played in the setting of Greyhawk (just Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms) so it's cool to get these weird names present in the spell titles into context as characters.

TL;DR: 6/10 Quite a bit better than the previous one, not amazing.

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