Saturday, 26 September 2020

22. 1988. (Jun.) Greyhawk (D&D) - Rose Estes- The Name of the Game (Greyhawk #7)


Series: Greyhawk Adventures Vol. 6 

Actually a pretty nice D&D novel in what is a pretty disappointing run of Greyhawk set novels. Greyhawk never really rose above the level of standard Fantasy world, with none of the originality in Dragonlance, Ravenloft or even Forgotten Realms, in spite of it being the original D&D setting. This makes sense as it was created by Gygax as the game was developed, not so oriented to make it a salable property, but as a basic fantasy setting.

That being said, this is a good book. Moving on from the overly complicated Mika trilogy, this book keeps Mika as the main character but has a whole new story for him, only with references to events of the trilogy but no deep connection to it. All that remains of those books are Mika and Tam, his wolf. 

Storywise, it's good and more focused than previous entries. The story takes Mika to a country in turmoil as everyone is addicted to a game with such huge wins and losses that it changes people's lives completely. The previous ruler has lost the kingdom in this game and stuff has gone weird. I actually had to go check if this was a rip-off of Iain M. Bank's Player of Games, but it isn't, neither is it vice-versa, they're both from 1988, so it's just one of those really weird convergences. Recommended and pretty fun. 

TL;DR: 7/10 Fun and focused, one of the best Greyhawk novels. 

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